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Delivering Digital Content: Closing the Digital Feedback Loop

Delivering Digital Content: Closing the Digital Feedback Loop

Manufacturing companies that succeed in digitally transforming their business will defeat those that do not. Successful Digital Transformation requires operational change and continuous evolution—eliminating information silos and creating a flow of data that spans the value chain.

Digital Transformation must encompass the full product development process and not, as can often be the case, reach its limits at a certain process or department. CIMdata has seen organizational Digital Transformation initiatives stall once they get past the design engineering phase, leaving operational stakeholders downstream without the data they need to effectively contribute to company success. Program delays occur as these workers struggle to access data, or because they are reliant on data and information that has become obsolete thanks to upstream transformation.

Read this eBook for CIMdata's insights into

  • Challenges product manufacturers face as customers continuously demand smarter, more connected, and more eco-friendly products for their unique needs
  • Why Digital Transformation must extend into all downstream processes in product development
  • How product stakeholders throughout the value chain can access accurate design engineering and product information
  • How Envision's services platform empowers companies to build customized and embedded content consumption and interaction experiences
DemosEvents & WebinarseBooks & Reports
Delivering Digital Content: Closing the Digital Feedback Loop

Delivering Digital Content: Closing the Digital Feedback Loop

a CIMdata report

Manufacturing companies that succeed in digitally transforming their business will defeat those that do not. Successful Digital Transformation requires operational change and continuous evolution—eliminating information silos and creating a flow of data that spans the value chain.

Digital Transformation must encompass the full product development process and not, as can often be the case, reach its limits at a certain process or department. CIMdata has seen organizational Digital Transformation initiatives stall once they get past the design engineering phase, leaving operational stakeholders downstream without the data they need to effectively contribute to company success. Program delays occur as these workers struggle to access data, or because they are reliant on data and information that has become obsolete thanks to upstream transformation.

Read this eBook for CIMdata's insights into

  • Challenges product manufacturers face as customers continuously demand smarter, more connected, and more eco-friendly products for their unique needs
  • Why Digital Transformation must extend into all downstream processes in product development
  • How product stakeholders throughout the value chain can access accurate design engineering and product information
  • How Envision's services platform empowers companies to build customized and embedded content consumption and interaction experiences
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Canvas GFX partners with manufacturing organizations to help them realize the promise of Digital Transformation initiatives by maximizing the contribution of the front-line worker.

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