Bridging the Manufacturing Workforce Gap

Canvas GFX CEO Patricia Hume and VP of Solutions Ellie Linehan discuss capturing and operationalizing institutional knowledge to ensure valuable expertise is not lost. This is especially crucial for the manufacturing sector, which is facing ongoing labor shortages as 10,000 baby boomers hit retirement age every day.

During the 35-minute podcast episode hosted by Lauren Rall and Matthew Rall, we dive into the role Envision plays preserving and transferring knowledge within the workforce. Patricia and Ellie shed light on how Envision empowers frontline workers with the tools they need, fostering efficiency, knowledge transfer, and operational excellence.

About Manufacturing Unscripted

Manufacturing Unscripted is a podcast presented by Promess Incorporated. The idea came about in 2020, when the founders wanted to create a platform for manufacturing leaders to share new innovations, technology and ideas with you. The manufacturing industry is always evolving and we want to help you to stay up to date on the latest trends and technology.

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Bridging the Manufacturing Workforce Gap

Manufacturing Unscripted Podcast

Canvas GFX CEO Patricia Hume and VP of Solutions Ellie Linehan discuss capturing and operationalizing institutional knowledge to ensure valuable expertise is not lost. This is especially crucial for the manufacturing sector, which is facing ongoing labor shortages as 10,000 baby boomers hit retirement age every day.

During the 35-minute podcast episode hosted by Lauren Rall and Matthew Rall, we dive into the role Envision plays preserving and transferring knowledge within the workforce. Patricia and Ellie shed light on how Envision empowers frontline workers with the tools they need, fostering efficiency, knowledge transfer, and operational excellence.

About Manufacturing Unscripted

Manufacturing Unscripted is a podcast presented by Promess Incorporated. The idea came about in 2020, when the founders wanted to create a platform for manufacturing leaders to share new innovations, technology and ideas with you. The manufacturing industry is always evolving and we want to help you to stay up to date on the latest trends and technology.

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192 South Street. Suite 250.
Boston, MA, 02111